Imelda May

Imelda May

Hello there little monster, what are you up to?

I'm on my way back from a lot of promo in Ireland, in the car with Mike on the way home

So, tell me a bit about what you’re here to promote?

I am promoting the new album ‘Mayhem’ release in Ireland in September 4th and rest of UK October 4th

And if we didn’t have any clue as to who you were, what three words sum you up?

Feisty, happy and excited

And as Jacko had the Moonwalk and Elvis had the snake hips, what do you have that makes you unique?

A pin curl! That looks like a Danish pastry! Or a cinnamon whirl!!

Now, clearly we need to get to know each other more, so tell me an interesting fact about you that no one else knows?

I like to make jam- blackberry.

What song do you wish you’d written?

Fairytale of New York

If I was contemplating coming to your show or sitting at home and TV, how would you convince me to come out?

Because you would have way more fun if you came out to the show

And if you were to take me on a trip to your hometown, what would be the first place we’d go?

A good traditional Irish session, a good creamy headed pint of Guinness and lots of laughs, and maybe then I might take you to my mums to eat, or Ill take you to my mums beforehand then a good session of beer and music til 3am, then off to a rock and roll club.

Who was the last person you called / text and what for?

I called my husband Darrell to say I was on my way home

If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower?

I would like to fly, I sometimes dream of being able to fly!

If you had to date a member of the same sex (or opposite sex if the case may be) who would it be? Mine would ALWAYS be Angelina Jolie.

Katie Lang, because she could sing to me

What was the last thing you bought?

An Irish magazine called ‘Hot press’ at the airport

Have you ever been arrested?

No, I almost got in trouble as a teenager once, there was a lock-in at a pub in the Dublin Mountains. We all ran out the back garden of the pub and I hid under the car but unfortunately left my gin and tonic on the outside and the police found me and they laughed a lot!

Speaking of prison - if you were to send someone to prison for crimes against music, who would it be?

Anybody who couldn’t play live!

What were you doing‌ last night‌ at 11?

I was sitting my mum, dad and sister watching ‘the rose of tralee’

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