Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel is meeting with Marvel.

The actor revealed on his Facebook that the studio had requested a meeting with him - however he has not idea what for.

"Marvel has requested a meeting... no idea what for... haha, you probably know better than me," Diesel wrote.

There are a handful of projects that Marvel want to talk to Diesel about - the most high profile of those at the moment is Avengers 2.

Casting is underway for the new film and shooting is set to get underway at the beginning of next year.

We already know that Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are two of the new additions but there is no talk about who the villain in the film is going to be.

However Black Panther and Dr Strange are also projects that could well be in the pipeline.

It has already been a busy year for Diesel with the release of Fast & Furious 6 and Riddick just around the corner.

He is set to reprise the role of Dominic Toretto for a seventh film in the franchise - whish is due to start filming this year.

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