Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill says it would be great to do a Justice League movie but he doesn't believe that that film is around the corner.

Cavill has taken over the role of Superman for the first time this summer in Man of Steel - fuelling rumours that a Justice League film could well be on the cards.

But the British actor has highlighted that there could be stumbling blocks to overcome to make the film and the story work.

Speaking to ABC new the actor said: "Justice League, more movies, I have no idea. Justice League could be great if done correctly.

"It's a very tough one to do because the DC Comics heroes are all godlike in their power so the real world setting we're telling our story in it's going to be tough to achieve that and it has to be done very delicately and with a lot of thought.

So it won't be right away, certainly not, or I hope not anyway. It may take some time building other movies and other characters and then introduce them together in one way or another. It would be great but I don't think it's around the corner".

Man of Steel has been a hit in the first twelve days of release and is already closing in on the $400 million mark.

There are already plans of a Superman sequel and I think that it is more likely we will see that film before a Justice League project.

Man of Steel is out now.

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