Andrew Stanton has revealed that he wants to turn his attention to live-action movies going forward.

Andrew Stanton

Andrew Stanton

Stanton is back in the director's chair this summer with animation film Finding Dory, which is his third film for Pixar.

Stanton has already brought us movies such as Finding Nemo and Wall-E and now he is about to take audiences back beneath the waves as we reunite with Dory, Marlin, and Nemo.

But, the director reveals that he does want to tackle live-action projects going forward because he misses the 'spontaneity' of that medium of film.

Speaking to Cinemablend about his future, Stanton said: "I'm not getting any younger, so I'm probably going to flop to live-action for a little bit. Because it's quicker and it's a little bit more of the opposite... It's the antithesis of animation.

"Animation you get to control everything, and it's awesome in that sense. But there's no spontaneity, and it takes a long time! And so there's high risk for the complete opposite reasons of live-action, but I need a little bit of short-term spontaneity - to play with that."

Stanton made his live-action debut back in 2012, when he brought John Carter to the big screen. However, it was not a critical or commercial success for the filmmaker.

Finding Dory is one of the most anticipated animation films of the year and looks set to be one of the biggest films of the summer.

The movie comes thirteen years after the huge hit that was Finding Nemo and sees Ellen DeGeneres back to voice the character of Dory.

Albert Brooks is back as Marlin while Ed O'Neill, Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, Idris Elba, and Dominic West are some of the new voices to watch out for.

Finding Dory is released 29th July.

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