Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation's run of success continues as it tops the Australian box office.

The fourth film in the franchise, which sees Christian Bale take on the role of John Connor, has faced a barrage of poor reviews but has enjoyed a good run at the box office.

It grossed almost $8 million and brought Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian's reign at the top of the Aussie box office to an end.

I Love You, Man was the only other entry inside the top ten at number three. Russell Crowe's latest movie State of Play fell one place from three to four while Angels & Demons fell three places to round off the top five.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was the week's biggest faller dropping four places from five to nine while Samson and Delilah was the only movie to move up.

1. (-) Terminator Salvation - $7,740,052
2. (1) Night At The Museum 2 - $3,195,052
3. (-) I Love You, Man - $1,971,767
4. (3) State Of Play - $1,637,247
5. (2) Angels & Demons - $1,565,956
6. (4) Star Trek - $870,981
7. (8) Samson And Delilah - $384,472
8. (6) Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past - $376,561
9. (5) X-Men Origins: Wolverine - $360,288
10. (9) My Year Without Sex - $199,625

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