Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds has revealed that he was nervous about taking on the central role in Green Lantern.

The Green Lantern is the latest D.C. Comic book character to get the big screen treatment and sees Reynolds take on the part of Hal Jordan.

This is the first big blockbuster lead role for the actor and he admits that he was worried about it.

Speaking to the New York Times the actor said: "Oh, man, was I nervous about it. 'You want me to do what?' And I'm supposed to do it in crash-test jammies?

"At a certain point you have to have blind faith in the people you are working with and the talents they possess."

"I'm just glad they didn't ask me to play Wonder Woman. On the other hand, that could be fun. The short shorts. The tall boots. What do you think?"

It's the first time we have seen Reynolds on the big screen since Buried last year.

Green Lantern is released 17th June.

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