Dolph Lundgren

Dolph Lundgren

Dolph Lundgren admits that he was surprised when The Expendables did as well as it did.

The actor is reprising the role of Gunner this summer two years after the first movie hit the big screen.

And the actor says that everyone was surprised when that first movie was a hit at the box office.

Speaking to Den of Geek the actor said: "I don't think anybody expected it to be that successful, really.I think everyone was nervous - especially Stallone, because it was his baby.

"I don't think anyone realised there were still so many fans out there for the '80s guys, you know, that wanted to see them on film. So it was a big surprise for all of us."

The Expendables 2 opened at #1 at the U.S. box office when it opened a couple of weeks ago as Lundgren was once again joined by Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham.

This time around it was Simon West in the director's chair - and there is already talk from him about another movie.

The Expendables 2 is out now.

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