Christian Bale

Christian Bale

Christian Bale has admitted that he knows very little about The Dark Knight Rises.

The movie will see the actor reprise the role of Bruce Wayne aka Batman in the third movie, which will be his fourth movie with director Christopher Nolan.

But the actor admits that he still doesn't know everything about the upcoming project.

Speaking to MTV Movie News the actor said: "Chris will let me know what I need to know when I need to know it.

"It's our fourth movie together. I probably know a little bit more than some other people out there, but I think most people would be surprised at how little I do know.

"I know he'll give me plenty of time to prepare for whatever I need to, and I'll discover it. He's a pretty damn good filmmaker.

"I trust that he's going to come up with something wonderful."

Bale will be back on the big screen in February when he teams up with Mark Wahlberg for boxing movie The Fighter.

The Fighter is the first movie for Bale since he took on the role of Melvin Purvis in Public Enemies in the summer of 2009.

The Dark Knight Rises is expected to begin filming early next year for a 2012 release.


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