Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

Anne Hathaway says that she would love to return to the role of Selina Kyle.

The actress took on the role of Catwoman for the first time last summer as she was one of the new faces in The Dark Knight Rises.

And while the Batman franchise has come to a close Hathaway would love to return to the character if she got the chance.

Speaking to Simon Mayo on Radio Five Live the actress said: "There would always be interest in the wonderful character who I love so much that in a recent Q&A where I had to get up and talk about it, somebody asked me what it was like to say goodbye to her and I burst into tears.

"Which is just about the most un-Selina Kyle thing you can do".

Hathaway is the toast of the awards circuit at the moment for her role as Fantine in Les Miserables.

She has picked up a whole host of awards, including the Golden Globe, and is the favourite to pick up the Best Supporting Actress Oscar next month.

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