Rose Byrne uses an LED light therapy mask.

Rose Byrne (c) Instagram

Rose Byrne (c) Instagram

The 'Instant Family' star has revealed the lengths she goes to to get youthful skin with her hair stylist insisting "that's what it takes nowadays".

Rose's celebrity friends and fans quickly responded after Rose shared the photo online, with one writing: "Yaaaasssss preserve darling (sic)"

Whilst another added: "Whatever it takes. Although you're already gorgeous."

Meanwhile, Rose previously admitted she has compiled a beauty "bible".

The 'Bridesmaids' actress said: "I discovered I was allergic to all these chemicals and we put together a very strict bible of all the products I could use. I use a NARS tinted moisturiser. I love those Fresh lip stains. I wear them religiously. They are terrific in a berry colour. I try to put on a hat if I can."

Despite discovering her sensitivity to makeup, Rose insists on wearing cosmetics everyday to ensure she looks her best.

She explained: "I actually wear makeup everyday. Growing up, my mum never wore a lot of makeup, she was very natural. However, it's important to take care of yourself and it doesn't hurt to put on a bit of lipstick."

However, the 40-year-old star still believes that "beauty comes from within" but insists its difficult for women to accept their appearance in the film industry as they are constantly criticised over their looks.

She shared: "Beauty comes from within. It's a cliché, but I think it's true. However, in this business, it's hard to reconcile that when you're constantly being told things about your appearance, whether it's that you are too pretty or too plain or too brunette or whatever the problem is."

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