Georgia May Jagger

Georgia May Jagger

Georgia May Jagger says make-up can alter her mood as she instantly feels different when she applies her favourite beauty products.

The British model - who is famed for her Rimmel London campaign - claims she instantly feels different when she applies her favourite beauty products as she loves to see the transition between different looks when working in photoshoots.

She told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: "I think it has the ability to transform you, and it can make you feel completely different. When I go to photoshoots now I find it amazing to see how different make-up can change the way I look and even feel."

The 21-year-old beauty also dished on her earliest beauty memory as she revealed her mother, Jerry Hall, taught her how to apply lipstick and she would spent time experimenting with make-up from an early age.

Georgia - whose father is Sir Mick Jagger - explained: "My earliest beauty memory was watching my mum applying her make-up. As any girl my age would, I'd play around with all of her lipsticks. She had this big chest of drawers with different lipsticks in it. I would watch her do her make-up and I'd experiment with all of the reds."

Additionally, Georgia revealed her favourite beauty buys, including tips on how she keeps her skin feeling fresh, but she admits she can never resist the urge to splurge on make-up.

She enthused: "I recently discovered a cleanser by Tracie Martyn that I really love and a shade of lipstick by Rimmel called Let's Get Naked. I'd always choose make-up over skincare, though - it's just so much more exciting."

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