Make up is often overlooked when decluttering as one can often assume that it all gets used on a semi regular basis- if not every day. The reality is- make up becomes a breeding ground for bacteria from the day you open it and apply mascara to your eyes or put your finger in a pot of balm and apply it to your lips. Here are some items you might want to take a closer look at in your make up bag.

Old make-up brushes

Old make-up brushes

Anything that’s out of date

Most cosmetics have a little symbol on them that tells you how long it should be open for. Many say twelve months, but others have as little as six, so try and figure out how long that lipstick has been on the go for and if its been longer than the recommended amount of time- part with it. Did you know that you should replace your mascara every three months for instance?

Make up you never wear

Perhaps you bought a nail varnish to match a dress you no longer have to a wedding you went to a year ago. Maybe you have a bright eyeliner from when you went to that fancy dress party and you would never wear ordinarily. If this sounds familiar, get rid of anything you don’t use daily or monthly.

Make up that no longer suits your personal style

Every woman goes through phases where they really like something and one day realise that it no longer goes with who they are and the colours they like to wear. If this is the case, give away items to friends and family whom you know will love it (unless its something that you shouldn’t share for infection control reasons).

Old brushes and pads

It’s recommended that you give your brushes and pads a wash regularly but if you never have and they are past the point of no return this is the perfect opportunity to say goodbye. Either invest in a new one that you will commit to looking after or keep that item from your bag altogether.

Anything that irritates your skin

You may have bought foundations, concealers, or eyeshadows that always leave your skin red and inflamed. We all have different skin types and what works for one person might not for another so don’t irritate your skin in the name of vanity, its not worth it.

Similar shades

If your bag has ten pots of nail varnish all in a very similar colour- you probably wont use it all if you alternate your shades. You might have several lipsticks in almost identical shades- so ask yourself ‘how many do I really need?’ and ‘how many can I realistically use in a given period of time?’ This should help you to filter out the excess.

Make up that doesn’t do what it says it should

Do you have lotions and potions that promised to lift, tuck, fill and tighten but never lived up to their claims? If this sounds like you- stick with the tried and tested things you know work for your skin type and leave behind anything that promised the earth and left your disappointed.

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