Men want to be able to do odd jobs around the home

Men want to be able to do odd jobs around the home

Does men possessing basic DIY, house and car maintenance skills make them more attractive to you? Well, that's what 61 per cent of them believe anyway.

The Man Skills Report revealed that 30 per cent of men felt intimidated and confused when commissioning tradespeople - mainly because of their lack of knowledge and uncertainty around technical terms and lingo.

This lack of knowledge can leave men losing confidence in front of the opposite sex. Traditionally this role of doing odd jobs around the house was performed by men. However this type of man is becoming a rare breed, with many men finding themselves lacking basic ‘man skills’, which they can’t flaunt in front of the opposite sex.
Almost a third of men admitted that their minds go blank and they feel nervous when dealing with tradespeople. The research found that:

· 1 in 5 DIY disasters could have been avoided if men hadn’t tried to solve problems themselves or had called a tradesperson out sooner
· Almost 40 per cent of men either rely on tradespeople or friends to help with their DIY problems

Jill Pringle, spokesperson from said:

‘Our research found that British men believe that having DIY skills will make them more attractive to women. We’re increasingly finding that men have a severe lack of knowledge when it comes to do doing DIY tasks around the house, and also when taking to tradespeople. If in doubt about your DIY skills, we would always advise using a registered tradesperson.’

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