Astrologer Lesley Francis

Astrologer Lesley Francis


Keyword – Persevere

Overall Theme

Nothing is actually standing in your way. No obstacles, no impediments, no one joyfully setting up road blocks to stop you in your tracks. Life cannot be forward movement all the time. It’s just time to take stock, to consolidate and to recommit yourself to the goals you have set. That way you can take advantage of the energy you feel pulling you inward.


Expect to feel a little polarized about people, people, people. You really do want to hang out and talk until you don’t. Part of this is connected to that pull inward and part of it is about feeling off balance and uncertain around others. Something that is unfamiliar to you most of the time. Well, honor your feelings. They aren’t permanent.


You aren’t really sure exactly what that word means right now. Is it always mastering whatever is immediately in front of you and then moving on to the next challenge? Or is it taking what you have learned and grounding it in your life as a means to creating something lasting and substantial? The irony? This isn’t the first time in your life you’ve asked yourself that question.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Be kind to yourself. You are shifting important parts of how you view life, what you value, where you are going and, most importantly, who you think you are. Mix in a high degree of sensitivity and it leaves you more than a little topsy turvy, wondering if the bottom is going to fall out. It’s not. You can always count on yourself, even when you feel you can’t.


Keyword – Activate

Overall Theme

Energized and ready to get the job done. Period. Full stop. Well, it’s definitely true that you are brimming with life and enthusiasm. Nothing seems impossible. Especially since your usual practicality is guiding you every step of the way. Just know you have gathered all the necessary resources, inner and outer, to take action in making the changes that have the potential to set your life on a new and life-affirming path.


There’s only one filter you need right now to create a different dynamic in all your relationships. What works for you? What supports you? What brings light into your life? This doesn’t inhibit your connections with others. It does the opposite. Being clear about you creates healthier, more open and more satisfying relationships. Something you deeply desire.


You really do feel all things are possible. And this feeling will guide you in making some important decisions and changes in direction in the coming months. For now, ground yourself in that energy. Enjoy it. Because it signals you have deepened your trust in yourself. Plus you appreciate yourself more. Definitely valuable as you prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Your innate pragmatism is both a gift and a blockage. Sure, it keeps you on the straight and narrow, but it can also keep you from taking risks that will actually expand your life. Expect to be caught between these two points of view as you navigate new beginnings on a number of fronts. Take a deep breath and listen to your gut.


Keyword – Re-evaluate

Overall Theme

Normally, you are more than fine with life zinging around. You not only enjoy variety, you need it. But not right now. You’d like everything to calm down, to settle down so you can get a clearer picture of what’s what. Recognize that your circuits are on overload and you need to focus on processing what’s going on inside you. It’s the key to creating a new framework for the future.


It’s a perfect time to spend more time with you. Really. It’s necessary to reducing the stress you feel clogging up your world. This doesn’t mean ignoring everyone. Be selective about who you get up close and personal with. This will do more to recharge your batteries and your love of life than accepting every invitation that comes your way.


This part of your life is humming along. Which, strangely enough, is part of what’s overloading your circuits. You keep waiting for things to go sideways. This is just fallout from challenges you faced in the past. It’s definitely not indicative of what is actually going on. You are making your mark. Plus you are growing.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Step outside yourself. Observe what you are creating in your life. And you will be more than pleasantly surprised. It isn’t a mishmash, a jumble or a hodgepodge. It is an example of what happens when you are true to your innate curiosity and use it as the valuable tool it really is. So, take a deep breath and stop looking for what’s wrong.


Keyword – Initiate

Overall Theme

Trust yourself, take a risk and begin something new. That’s the energy knocking on your door. Rather loudly. Just remember to breathe, count to ten, and recognize you are in charge of the whole process. No one else. Once you do that, the path will open up and you find yourself exhilarated and inspired. Go for it.


Pay attention not to what people say, but what your intuition is telling you. It’s the key to knowing who you can trust and who you can’t. Set aside your natural sensitivity and your desire to support others. All this brings clarity to a number of questions you have about people in your life. Plus it keeps you from getting unnecessarily caught up in difficult circumstances.


It might feel like this part of life is a bit of a mixed bag. The new project you are embarking on is taking up most of the space in your consciousness, leaving you chafing at the bit to move on from your current commitments. Recognize that it’s not a case of either/or. Both have value in your life.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

The challenge right now is to respond to your life in all its possibilities, rather than react. The former comes from a deep awareness of yourself, the latter from a focus on what’s outside you. You have a powerful opportunity right now to further grow your life based on what matters to you, not on what the world is doing.


Keyword – Power

Overall Theme

The urge to turn things upside down in your life is intense. Just take time to make sure you are focussing all that energy in a direction that is constructive. After all, it can feel like any change is better than continuing to feel stagnant and stuck. Bottom line? Any decisions you make now have long-term consequences.


It’s a good time to seek allies in your quest to shift all aspects of your life. But, first you need to be okay with not being able to manage everything all by yourself. Just one of the many changes you need to make, even if you don’t see it. Remember support is not the same thing as help. Once you grasp that, allies appear in the most unexpected places.


You have a big case of tunnel vision right now in this area of your life. Your biggest objective is to get right with yourself. Then, you believe everything else will fall into place. Somehow – and you aren’t even sure how – you got out of synch with yourself, something you didn’t think possible. Let that go and focus on reconnecting with your core values.

Pitfalls and Potential Challenges

It’s been quite a shock to your system to find you are uncomfortable in your own skin. The truth is it happens to everyone. Even you. It’s a sign that you are growing. That you not only desire change you need it. Reconnect to that profound faith you have in yourself (and no, it hasn’t gone anywhere) and you will re-ignite your joy.


Keyword – Release

Overall Theme

Life offers up a number of opportunities, some personal, some professional and some just for fun. But, first you need to clear out some excess baggage you have. Much of it is emotional and much of it not yours. After all, you overlook your capacity to take on other people’s problems subconsciously. So, design a way to purge yourself of anything interfering with the positive leap forward you crave.


There are big questions about what’s real and what’s not when it comes to the way the people in your world are acting. The key here is to stay centred in yourself and ignore the call to weigh in on things that are not directly connected to you. This doesn’t preclude you from discerning whether what you see resonates with your values and your sense of self.


The picture you have about this means in your life is shifting dramatically, in part because a number of unexpected obstacles got in the way and, in part because how you feel about life is no longer as certain as it once was. You now realize that success in life isn’t just about what you accomplish. It’s also about who you are.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

It’s never easy for you to find yourself betwixt and between. You are, after all, a practical, analytical, process-oriented being. So, not knowing is never one of your favourite things. Well, welcome this time of uncertainty because you are nurturing new seeds for growth in the deeper levels of your consciousness.


Keyword – Integrate

Overall Theme

You are in your happy place, with much of your energy caught up in the whirl of connecting with anyone and everyone. It is a much-needed break from all the stress of the last few months. Just remember not to neglect your own well-being. Ask yourself whether all this activity expands your life or is just a diversion, because what you are seeking is to build a new, more-life affirming way of life.


With your optimism running high, you find yourself ultrasensitive to two things. Negativity and bossiness. The solution is simple. Be respectful but don’t take it personally. Whatever it is others are experiencing is not directly connected to how you are living your life. This will keep you more present in your own life and more supportive of yourself.


Your ability to integrate all aspects of your world into a more workable and more satisfying whole continues to grow. Balance – at least in the way you usually understand it – is not achievable on a day-to-day basis. What can be done is being clear about your priorities first and then creating space for them, regardless of outside thoughts, ideas or opinions.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

The push/pull that you see life as boils down very simply to them vs me. Which causes a huge inner conflict. How do you make space for yourself while honoring your innate desire to create connection? First, your life really isn’t a choice between you and everyone else on the planet. Choose yourself, knowing that you can use your capacity to be inclusive to build healthy connections.


Keyword – Breakthrough

Overall Theme

You really crave a change of scenery because life is just a little too claustrophobic. The source of your discomfort isn’t your location. It’s way down deep inside you. You know that place where all the most important things in your life take place. Accept that all that shifting energy is calling for a change in your life focus. And take a holiday.


Things might get a little testy if you aren’t careful about how you communicate with others right now. Choose carefully what you say and the words you use. This leads to some major new awareness about what you expect from your relationships and how others perceive you. Some of this is disquieting, some of it hopeful. Leading you to acknowledge how much you try to hide yourself.


The time has come to put forward an idea or a potential project that has been bouncing around in your consciousness for quite some time. Abandon the notion that it has to be fully formed before you can share it. Or act on it. What you really need to do right now is take a risk on yourself. First step. Recognize how much potential it has.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

You spend a lot of time resisting your own inner urge to take your life and shake it up. To transform it into something more powerful and more reflective of your need to be passionately engaged. Well, the push is on. So, take a look at why you hold yourself back, why you try to persuade yourself that it isn’t safe to be all that you are.


Keyword – Renew

Overall Theme

You like to tell yourself that you are unflappable, that nothing ever disturbs your equilibrium. Time to abandon that belief. At least for the next 31 days. You need a time out, a time to recharge your batteries, to nurture your body, your mind, your feeling self and your spirit. It’s not important how you ended up feeling depleted. Just take care of yourself.


Certainly not a time for tripping around, meeting hordes of new people. Even though the opportunity exists. The best way to nurture yourself in this area of your life is to spend time with people you know bring something of value to your life. Whether it’s good conversation, laughter, support or just feeling free to be. Anything else will drain your limited emotional resources.


Maintain your current commitments. No matter whether you feel things are stuck or stagnant. Recognize this is not a clear picture of what is actually going on. Rather it’s a reflection of your fear that your life is boring and going nowhere. Easy to do when your batteries are on empty. Remember this is transitory.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Because you like to go big or go home, you can mistake a period of quiet, of fatigue, of general disinterest in anything outside yourself as a failure of some kind. That’s because you expect your engine to always be revving on high. Life isn’t life unless your inner light is always green. Think of it this way. You are preparing for your next big adventure.


Keyword – Listen

Overall Theme

You have a lot of energy. A lot. Yet you are having difficulty focusing it. That’s because you think you need to accomplish something significant. You know. Like rebuild the world. That simply isn’t the task at hand. Rather you have the opportunity to reshape YOUR life. And that requires turning your attention inward to listen to yourself.


This is an area of your life that currently confounds you. You find yourself emotionally seeking something new but knocked off balance by what you think is an inability to be clear what that is. Perhaps the key isn’t defining it but rather being open, following your heart and letting things happen. Will this take you out of your comfort zone? Absolutely. But it will bear fruit.


Of course, your default position is to take all that energy pulsing through your body and your consciousness and put it to good use, adding yet another job well-done to the list. That’s certainly doable. After all, it gives you a feeling of comfort and certainty. The surprise is you don’t feel exhilarated or excited. Time to expand your definition of success.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

It probably feels like you’ve been arm wrestling with yourself for the last two years. One part of you wishes life could be predictable and easily managed. The other part, the one that has gathered a lot of wisdom, knows that life is much more than putting things in neatly defined boxes and categories. Be open to the latter and accept that the former is a trap.


Keyword – Rest

Overall Theme

It feels like your life is at a standstill. You need a timeout. Or rather your mind needs a timeout. No amount of thinking is going to shift things the way letting go and letting things unfold, whether it’s in the next hour or the next week or the next year, will. Trust what you’ve already set in motion. Have faith in yourself. And take a breather.


Your current attitude? Relationships, bah humbug. There are times and places – and this is one of them – where you find humans frustrating, annoying and irritating. Well, not all of them. The best thing you can do – for yourself and for them – is to choose wisely who to connect with. It’s not about avoidance. It’s about honoring yourself and others. And maybe a bit about self-preservation.


You’ve always had a somewhat contrary relationship with this word. Or at least what it symbolizes. Always redefining it in personal terms. Always trying to avoid conforming to expected norms. Let all that go. Know that you are always more than capable of creating success, even if you keep changing what that is. Like you are doing right now.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

The world is not going to pass you by if you exit the stage for a while. It really is time to take care of yourself, to be kind to yourself and to honor yourself. Even though you don’t always recognize this, you are an innately serious person. Someone who expects well everything from yourself. This can be taxing and tiring. Relax. Rejuvenate. Have some fun. And rewire your expectations.


Keyword – Regroup

Overall Theme

It’s not that things are about to go sideways or even vaporize. There’s just an ebb in the flow. Something you often interpret as a major blockage or a sign that you need to let go or abandon what you are doing. That’s not what’s happening. It’s an invitation to assess where you are at and make any necessary adjustments. You will be grateful you did.


You will be getting a lot of mixed messages for the next 31 days. Recognize that what comes out of people’s mouths doesn’t always match the feeling you get from them energetically, causing confusion for you and leaving you uncertain how to communicate with them. The key here is to stay grounded in yourself. And say what you need to say.


Definitely a time to rely on yourself and your vision about where you are going. Yes, there’s a lot of shifting going on around you. Eventually, everything will settle down as long as you remember you are the one who sees the big picture and the rest of the world just needs to catch up. Stay true to yourself.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

There’s always a tiny bit of you that wonders if all the wonderful and imaginative things that roar around in your brain are just fantasy. Not that you feel that’s a bad thing. It’s just that you actually want to make one or some of them a reality. Just know that tiny part is every bit as magical as the rest. It’s what will make your visions come true.

Lesley is a gifted practising professional astrologer and intuitive with 24 years of experience. 

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