Kelly Brook is dating actor James Lee Taylor.

Kelly Brook and James Lee Taylor

Kelly Brook and James Lee Taylor

The 35-year-old model is believed to have started seeing the man - who is originally from Essex, England - in January, after spending time together in Los Angeles.

A source said: "James is good-looking, charming and funny so he's just Kelly's type."

While 30-year-old James - who met the star while shooting a shoe advert in November - has not yet established himself as a fully-fledged movie star, he is appearing in independent short films in a bid to make a name for himself, and is reportedly shocked he has managed to seduce the 'Piranha 3D' actress.

An inside told The Sun newspaper: "He can't quite believe he's bagged one of Britain's hottest females."

The fledgling relationship follows her on/off engagement with fitness model and television personality David McIntosh, who proposed to her in March 2014.

However, it seems Kelly - who has relocated to California to work on her new sitcom 'One Big Happy' - may finally be in a good place when it comes to her love life, posting a cryptic message on Twitter which is thought to have been written in relation to her new beau.

She shared: "Nice to be happy again... It's been a while."

Also showing off their new-found love, James - who has previously worked for Calvin Klein and Sketchers - posted a cute selfie of the couple on Instagram earlier in January.