To dream about purple suggests that you are neutral in a situation in your waking hours. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

You are powerless to stop or start something because you are stuck in the middle. 

Perhaps you want to have some effect but you are unable to react or respond because you lack any sort of control. 

You want or have to remain impartial because both sides mean something to you.

It’s possible that you don’t want to take sides because you really don’t care about either one. Neither of them hold any interest or are important to you. 

Are you someone who avoids bias? Perhaps you are open to hearing everyone’s side of the story and can see things from everyone’s perspective. 

On the flipside, it’s possible you need to be more diplomatic in your waking hours to avoid upsetting either party involved. 

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

To see purple in a dream suggests that a situation has reached a neutral state because both sides are starting to see things more objectively. 

Purple is created from mixing blue and red to create this new colour, so it’s possible you need to let something or someone else into your life to encourage change. If you are unwilling to compromise, then things will stay as they are. 

Red is generally thought to be a negative colour, while blue is often synonymous with positivity, so when the two are combined, they cancel each other out. This might be representative of a relationship in your own life. 

Perhaps you are the exact opposite to someone you are trying to establish a rapport with but the very fact you are so different will help to bring you together and see the world in a different light.  

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about the colour blue?

Perhaps you have started a new health kick lately or actively sought out the help you need to improve your mental health. Overall, you are feeling good about your own wellbeing and the dream might simply be encouraging you to continue in your efforts to improve yourself. A dark blue on the other hand is quite the opposite. It represents a coldness. It’s possible the colour is a reflection of your bluntness, uncaring nature or harshness towards someone in your waking life. The dream could be telling you to be more lenient with this person. Perhaps they don’t need to be treated with such an uncaring approach. On the flipside, consider who was in the the dream with you. Perhaps the colour was a reflection of someone in your life who is treating you this way. Do you need to address this with them?...

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