Social networks are a big hit with online daters

Social networks are a big hit with online daters

If you’re looking for love it’s time to update your Facebook picture and turn to the Twittersphere, as new research reveals that more than half of online daters favour social media over traditional dating websites.

In a survey of almost 2000 online daters, found that 57 per cent of people preferred meeting potential partners on social networks than through online dating sites.

The singletons that favour use social networks said that they do so because they feel safer (51 per cent) and like the idea of meeting people through mutual friend (33 per cent)

Although 72 per cent of people used both types of website to look for love, social media won out for those who only used one. Nineteen per cent of those asked left their romantic destiny exclusively in the hands of social media.

The taboo of finding love through dedicated dating websites still exists, with 27 per cent of those who shunned the services saying that they wouldn’t like to admit they met their partner through one.


FemaleFirst Natalie Littlewood

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