Jumping headfirst into Peperami's Love At First Bite challenge, Anthony Joshua had an experience he'll always remember. When it comes to dating however, the boxing champion has no interest in going out and trying to find love...

Tell us about the Love at First Bite campaign with Peperami Chicken Bites: what made you want to get involved? Is there anything in particular you were looking forward to as part of the experience?

Working on the Peperami Love at First Bite campaign has been great. I really enjoyed the shoot day, meeting so many nice people and best of all, being able to sample some amazing dishes that I was lucky enough to have cooked for me. I have of course been aware of the brand since I was a kid when it was in my lunchbox so it was a pleasure to be involved.

Do you often date? When was your last date and do you find it harder to date with your schedule?

The honest answer is, I don't really date. My last date was in the boxing gym... with boxing! I am married to boxing really. I don't really do dates; I'm not really interested in it. I am much more into just being in relaxed situations and developing friendships. I don't think my schedule plays any part in it really; I just don't put pressure on situations.

What is the way to your heart and what qualities do you look for in someone? Would you ever date a non-celeb?

One way is definitely through food, which is a big part of why I enjoyed being involved in this campaign. In terms of qualities, I think it's important how people were raised and the qualities that they have. I don't really see myself as a celebrity but you know what? If any celebrities are out there and looking then I am available! (laughs) I have never been in the situation where I've had to compromise love for my career.

What would be your perfect first date? If you were in a restaurant, what would you go for?

Like I said I'm not a big fan of the date situation, but if I was on a date I'd find a good local restaurant. For me, no food is off limits. I would just like who I am with to enjoy themselves and eat exactly what they want to. I am definitely not a food snob.

Have you had any bad or embarrassing dating situations in the past?

A gentleman never tells! No, in all honesty I can't think of any.

Do you tend to cook at home, or would your partner need to do the cooking?

Yes, I do cook at home. My family also does a lot of home cooking which is great. With a partner I wouldn't put that pressure on them, because my diet is a large part of my job and I would want to keep it separate. I don't really have any go-to recipes, but given what I learnt on the shoot I would be deploying chicken bites for sure.

If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Believe it or not, fried rice and boiled fish! You know why? Because it's as delicious as it sounds!

How was lockdown for you? What did you do? The whole nation went cooking crazy; did you and the family cook more during this time? Did you find any new hobbies?

It was tough for everyone and I can't complain; so many people had it really tough. I locked myself away and made sure I kept on top of my nutrition and training. It was nice to spend a little more quality time with my direct family, as I am on the road so much.

Yeah, the family cooked which was really nice, we have some great chefs in the family. I did find a new hobby in cycling, which I have been really enjoying.

Anthony Joshua has teamed up with Peperami
Anthony Joshua has teamed up with Peperami

Anthony Joshua has been challenged by Peperami Chicken Bites to find love at first bite, taking part in a unique dating experiment that matches the superstar with singletons, based on food preference alone. To watch the episode, visit @PeperamiTV on Instagram.

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