Mila Kunis never gets annoyed by Ashton Kutcher.

Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis

The 'Bad Moms Christmas' star married the 39-year-old actor - the father of her three-year-old daughter Wyatt and ten-month-old son Dimitri - in July 2015 and thinks they are still in the "honeymoon phase".

She told E! News: "My husband does not annoy me.

"He really doesn't. I don't know if this happens later, we've only been married for a handful of years, you know it's very much in the honeymoon phase."

And the 34-year-old star praised her husband as an "unbelievable partner in crime".

She gushed: "We still really love and like each other daily.

"I have an unbelievable partner in crime, I really do and I'm so grateful for it every single day."

Meanwhile, Mila recently admitted her main parenting ambition is not to raise "a**holes".

She said: "We're not gonna raise a**holes. There's enough a**holes in this world!

"We don't need to contribute. But, you know, there's some nice people."

The brunette beauty also acknowledged that she's grown to accept the stresses of strains of parenthood over the last three years.

She said': "I'm a little bit less stressed over what to anticipate.

"You're still stressed out and there's still the idea of the guilt of leaving your kids, but you know that they'll be OK. Because I've already done it once and the kid doesn't resent me, so I was like, 'OK, I think I can do this.'"

Despite this, Mila said that she and Ashton needed to "enlist help" in order to balance their working lives with the responsibility of raising their two young children.

She shared: "I also need to enlist help. Working full-time, my husband has moved his company here, so he works full-time. We needed help."

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