Kristin Cavallari

Kristin Cavallari

Kristin Cavallari has had a few weeks of "really heavy sugar" cravings during her pregnancy and her husband Jay Cutler had to ban her from eating so many calorific treats because she started breaking 

The 26-year-old reality TV star announced she is expecting her second child last month, but she admits for the first few weeks of her pregnancy she was having the urge to gorge on calorific treats until her husband Jay Cutler banned her from eating them because her diet started affecting her complexion.

She said: "I had a really heavy sugar phase there for a few weeks, and literally my husband had to cut me off of sugar because I broke out the worst I've ever broke out my entire life, so I basically poisoned myself."

The blonde beauty already has one-year-old son Camden and she thinks he might experience some feelings of jealousy when his new sibling arrives, but she's confident he'll get over it.

She explained: "He might be a little jealous at first, but once he gets over that initial shock, he'll probably be really happy."

The couple don't know the sex of their baby yet, but Kristin isn't too bothered whether she has a boy or a girl, although she'd quite like to have a daughter.

She said: "I honestly don't care, I mean there's great things about both. Another boy would be fun, Cam would have a little buddy and then I'd be the woman of the house ... but of course I want a little girl, so I don't know. Either one would be great."

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