Jonathan Majors joked about Idris Elba's good looks during his 'Saturday Night Live' monologue.

Jonathan Majors joked about his looks on SNL

Jonathan Majors joked about his looks on SNL

The 32-year-old actor stars alongside Idris, 49, in 'The Harder They Fall', and Jonathan compared himself to the London-born star during his appearance on the comedy show.

He quipped: "It was fun filming that movie, but if you ever want to feel bad about how you look, definitely spend two months standing right next to Idris Elba! It humbles you!"

The actor also reflected on his own journey to Hollywood.

He said: "Growing up, I was a military brat. My father was in the Air Force, my mother was a pastor, so hallelujah, and I moved around a lot.

"I like to say I was born in California, raised in Texas, educated in North Carolina, roughed up in New York City, and re-educated in New Haven, Connecticut, which I guess is my roundabout way of saying, yeah, I went to Yale."

Jonathan admits to learning a lot from the experiences he's already been through in his life.

He explained: "When I was 17, I was homeless living in my car, working at Red Lobster and Olive Garden.

"But you know what? I learned from that experience. You know, I learned that Red Lobster and Olive Garden are owned by the same parent company, so you can work at both places with no problem!"

Jonathan thinks he ultimately owes his success to his own hard work.

The movie star said: "That experience, it taught me a lot. It taught me that work hard, if you trust the plan great things can happen.

"I've got a beautiful daughter. I'm going to be the next Marvel, 'Ant-Man' movie, or as the black community likes to call it 'Not Black Panther.'"