Dame Helen Mirren doesn't mind moving between her homes across the world.

Helen Mirren has said she doesn't mind moving between her three homes across the world.

Mirren 69, has houses in east London, Los Angeles and Salento, but has no problem adjusting when she travels between the UK, US and Spain - and insisted while she doesn't miss two cities when she's settled in the other, she would occasionally like to have more time in one place.

She said: "Well, yes, [I like it because] you experience different climates and cultures. But then sometimes I just want to stay put. Doing 'The Audience' in London was wonderful because I couldn't be anywhere else. I had to be in that theatre every night.

"And that was really nice. I could finally unpack. Generally, I find the place I am is where I am and I forget the other places very quickly. I'm back in Los Angeles and I think, 'This is great'.

"But then I love a dull day in London. In LA, when it's 89 degrees on Christmas Day, it's alarming. It makes you appreciate the rain."

The 'Hundred-Foot Journey' star admitted wherever she stays, it's her gardening which allows her to retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

She told the Daily Telegraph Magazine: "I do it, but not terribly well. In London we have a communal garden which we [neighbours] all share.

"It's perfect, because you have other people to talk to, and you don't take the successes and failures quite so seriously."

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