John Krasinski and Emily Blunt

John Krasinski and Emily Blunt

John Krasinski gave Emily Blunt a diamond necklace for giving birth to their daughter.

The 'Edge of Tomorrow' actress, who welcomed their first child Hazel into the world in February, was thrilled when her husband gave her a delicate chain with a tiny letter 'H' encrusted with precious stones as a "push present."

Asked about the piece of jewellery, the 31-year-old star told The Sunday Telegraph's Stella magazine: "It was a gift [from Krasinski] for my little girl."

Emily is besotted with her daughter, whom she is raising in Ojai, California.

She said: "She is heaven; my heart sort of explodes. I'm wondering what we were doing without her, actually. I can't really remember. John and I spend a lot of time going, 'Isn't she cute? Oh my God, look at her, she's so cute... She just stares into your soul... Her eyes are denim blue. She looks like a combination of my mother and John's mother."

Although Emily, who recently started following a gluten-free diet, misses the pubs and "irreverence of the British," she has no plans to move back to her native country.

She said: "Our lives are here, all our friends are here."

But the brunette beauty, who got married at George Clooney's villa in Lake Como, Italy and recently holidayed in Mexico with Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, claims she has a normal life.

She said: "I don't feel I lead a glamorous life. Most of the people we're friends with are people you can just hang out with."