Cameron Diaz is not afraid of getting old.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz

The 43-year-old actress says people are afraid of ageing because they "don't understand" the science behind it but she's ready to embrace the coming decades.

Answering questions as part of a 'Q&A With Paltrow' on Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop website, Cameron said: "(People are so afraid of ageing) They don't understand what it is​; we only know it from what we see on the surface, not on a cellular level. All ageing is a result of our trillions of cells ageing, and once you understand the science, it gets way less scary."

In response to a question which asked what her favourite thing about getting older was, the 'Sex Tape' star said: "What I ​have to offer the people around me, the wisdom I have gained through the experiences I have had, and looking forward to all of the years I have ahead of me."

In fact, Cameron - who is married to 37-year-old Good Charlotte guitarist Benji Madden - loves maturing so much that she says she would put the words "ageing is living" on a neon sign.

Cameron has been sharing her advice on living longer in a series of live streams, as part of her new guide called 'The Longevity Book'. And when it comes to the causes of premature ageing she said she puts it down to: "Stress, inflammation, lack of movement, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, not ​being connected to the people you love.​"

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