Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz insists anyone can have a body like hers if they look after themselves properly.

The 41-year-old actress is renowned for her slim and toned figure and she believes it isn't hard to achieve so long as people look after themselves properly.

She said: "Everybody can have my body Everybody can have exactly my body but it is going to look different. Its about having the internal knowledge of that body and teaming it with the proper nutrition and fitness to have the body you're supposed to have."

Cameron singled out her friend Gwyneth Paltrow as the perfect example of how good a person can look when they take care of themselves.

She said: "Gwyneth is perfect proof of how you can maintain your natural beauty."

However, the 'Iron Man 3' star has had some help from her pal.

Cameron admitted: "I did turn her onto my bikini waxer in LA."

The blonde beauty has previously had wrinkle-smoothing Botox injections but stopped having the treatments because she realised they don't actually halt the ageing process.

She told 'Extra': "When you get Botox, guess what... you're still aging. You may not see the wrinkles, but what's happening on a cellular level, it just veils it. In fact, we're so worried about the facade of things, and not what is happening on the inside."

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