Arnold Schwarzenegger has a new pet dog.

Arnie with his new dog Schnitzel (c) Instagram

Arnie with his new dog Schnitzel (c) Instagram

The Hollywood action legend has introduced his puppy to his 22.1 million Instagram followers, admitting he is besotted with his "sweet little meatball", even though some of his other pets are struggling to adjust to their new mutt mate.

Arnie, 74, got his new canine friend at Christmas and he has named her Schnitzel after his "favourite Austrian dish" and his "own nickname".

In an Instagram post showing him cuddling Schnitzel, he wrote: "I told my newsletter subscribers last week and now it’s time to introduce the new member of the family to you. I got her for Christmas! Her name is Schnitzel, after my favorite Austrian dish and my own nickname.

"I can’t wait to keep sharing pictures and videos of her as she gets older. She and Dutch are already best friends. Cherry shows her teeth to her nonstop, and Lulu tried to trample her, so we are working on all of the relationship dynamics. At least Whiskey doesn’t care about anything as long as she gets her food. But she is such a sweet little meatball."

The 'Terminator' star has several pets, including donkey Lulu, miniature horse Whiskey and dogs Dutch, Noodle and Cherry.

Arnie admitted that having a home filled with animals helped him get through the COVID-19 pandemic.

He previously said: "It’s so wonderful when you have animals around you, and they play with you, and they do funny things, and they roam around the house.

"I’m very fortunate that I can afford animals like that, or have the space for animals like that, or have the time now because of the coronavirus where I can stay home most of the time.

"It’s so much fun to watch this, and see this energy. I think, in a way, it’s also therapeutic."