Invisible Girlfriend app fools friends and family

Invisible Girlfriend app fools friends and family

''believable, virtual and real world proof''

An 'Invisible Girlfriend' app has been created.

The mobile phone application enables those who are unlucky in love to pretend they have found the love of their life by providing ''believable, virtual and real world proof'' to fool friends and family members.

The full $49.99 package, also known as the 'love of your life, about to get engaged' version, provides that unlucky in love person with text messages, phone calls, voicemails and even gifts from a make believe woman, while those who are not willing to spend so much can get a more basic $9.99 package.

Creator Matt Homann told the Riverfront Times: ''This is the business of helping [clients] tell a lie -- we're thinking of it more as a shield -- to have the excuse ready in hand and not have to be uncomfortable.

''It's lightweight but credible social proof.''

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