Woman unaware bamboo in face for 8 months

Woman unaware bamboo in face for 8 months

A woman was unaware she had a five-inch bamboo stick lodged in her face for eight months, and only found out when she went to the hospital because she couldn't open her mouth.

Fu Jinfeng was taken to hospital by her family as they grew increasingly concerned about her health and in a shock discovery doctors revealed she had the rod embedded in her face for nearly a year without her knowing it was there.

Medical staff at Xiang Ya Hospital in Changsha, Hunan Province, scanned the 61-year-old Chinese woman's face because she couldn't open her mouth to eat, and they discovered the huge object that had become stuck back in April.

It still remains a mystery as to how the stick became wedged there. However, doctors have now successfully removed the bamboo, finally allowing the wound to mend.

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