Leonie asks :

Hi Lucy,

I've had a lot of things happen since 2010. I am unable to enjoy things like Christmas properly. I sit there and feel disconnected from it all. I don't drink and my in-laws drink a lot, so I feel like, even though I get to see the kids, I can't wait to leave. I look at the Christmas stuff and feel numb, it just all seems stupid, but I go through the motions for the sake of the kids.


Hi Leonie,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Christmas means different things to different people. Some like to take things to the excess and drink, eat and spend lots just because they can, others see it as another day in the year and wonder what all the fuss is about.

It's ok if you are the latter. There is a lot of preparation that goes into one day. People drink too much, eat too much and get themselves into debt and stress all for a 24 hour period. When put simply- it's normal to wonder whether it's all worth it.

If you only celebrate Christmas for the kids, then you're not alone. Other people do the same who feel the same level of enthusiasm for Christmas as you do.

It sounds like this might not just be solely about Christmas. If you are feeling generally disconnected and numb- it could be that Christmas just exacerbates a feeling you might have had for a while now.

If this is a constant then it might be worth seeking out some counselling to help you talk through why you feel this way. Or find a friend or family member you trust to talk to.

The things you describe are symptomatic of someone who is feeling very down so it might help you to talk to someone who's impartial to try and understand why you feel a lack of connection right now.

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