Anonymous asks:

I'm a bloke and my female partner is always commenting on how attractive the male players are when we watch football matches together. Don't get me wrong- I'm made up she likes to watch the games with me but I feel rubbish afterwards because my six pack is long gone! Is she dropping hints that I should sort myself out or do you think she is looking for another fella? Or should I just be happy she shares my passion for footie and put it down to banter? Cheers. 

Relationship expert Jessica Leoni said: “Your girlfriend’s actions are a little clumsy and insensitive but I really don’t see this as a big deal and if I were you I would just ignore her. If the boot was on the other foot and you were watching female sport and commenting on the players’ busts or their legs to her detriment, I am sure there would be a lot more disquiet but that is the world we live in.

Cultura Creative RF / Alamy Stock Photo

Cultura Creative RF / Alamy Stock Photo

“The reason why I don’t see this as a big deal is that she is not making derogatory comments about you. You are feeling rubbish not because of jibes from her about your non-existent six pack but because of your own low self-esteem. You know you are a little overweight and feel a little self-conscious about it. Join the club. We all have aspects of our bodies that we don’t like. The best way to stop worrying about them is to do more exercise and hopefully get into better shape.

“Moving back to your girlfriend, I am happy to cut her a little slack. She knows that football is your passion and I think it is great that she is coming to the matches with you and trying to engage in the whole experience. You don’t say if she is a football fan so perhaps she is no expert on football and is trying to fit in and make conversation. You are really jumping to conclusions in saying that her picking out good looking footballers means she is looking for another fella. We ALL see members of the opposite sex we find attractive but that doesn’t mean we want to go to bed with them or anyone else. Commenting on human attractiveness is no big deal.

“I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill. If she does it again, maybe after the game just mention that you find her comments a little hurtful and you would rather she didn’t go on about the players she fancies. Make the point that you would never do the same if you were watching women’s sport together.

“As for your long gone six pack that you feel rubbish about, why not do something about it? Get down the gym and start doing some sit-ups. Six weeks of hard work and you could have a six pack that she can lust over a little closer to home!”

Jessica is a sex and relationship expert for the dating site, 

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