Anna asks :

Hi Lucy,

I've fallen in love with my best friend. But no-one has ever treated me the way he does. I think he likes me too because he always stares at me and I get shy when I talk to him. What should I do?

Our Reply

Hi Anna,

It can be difficult when feelings become stronger for a friend, worrying about whether it will ruin what you already have or blossom into something more.

All I would say is that you are likely one of the people who knows him the best. You have already admitted that you think he likes you back and is showing signs of attraction towards you. If you get this impression, then chances are you are right. If you are not then hopefully your friendship is strong enough to survive going back to the way things were.

You might always be left wondering ‘what if?’ if you don’t ask him- so if you do whatever the result at least you will know where you stand. Or you could just leave things the way they are and try to fall out of love with him- that said often people regret the things they don’t do in life more than the ones they do. 

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