JM asks :

Hi Lucy,

I have recently split from my girlfriend of 5 years and met another one but am really missing my daughter, I have times when I want my old life back but don’t want to hurt my new girlfriend what should I do?

Our Reply


Getting back with your ex is probably not the answer if you are only missing your daughter and not her. It is natural to miss your daughter, your life and your ex; even if it ended on bad terms because it was a habit and way that you had become adjusted to. It is tempting to want to go back there because it’s comfortable and familiar and you know what to expect.

If you feel that you made the wrong decision then perhaps talk to your ex and see if she feels the same. That said, getting back together just because you miss your daughter could be a bad move if you don’t want to be with your ex and are just doing it to see your child more. It might seem that you have her best interests at heart but if you and your ex-partner simply don’t work as a couple this could be more damaging to her. But if you truly feel that you could have a second chance then it might be worth seeing where you stand.

Is there any way you can see your daughter more often? Arrange more time with her in the week if you don’t want to get back with your ex? Your new girlfriend should understand that you want to see more of your daughter, so maybe talk to her too an tell her what your plans are and see if she is on board. The most important thing from her point of view is likely that you make it clear about the situation with your ex. If you are made to choose between your girlfriend and your daughter then perhaps she is not the one for you. With patience and perseverance from all of you then you might be able to come up with a system that works for everyone involved. 

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