Nick asks :

Hi Lucy,

I have a friend, she's female (I'm male) and we've been friends for years. I've always had a thing for her but I've never had the courage to tell her how I feel. Last weekend we went out for drinks, not alone but we spent a great deal of the night together. Anyway to cut a long story short we ended up back at mine and having sex.. We were both drunk, which probably played a big part. Ever since that night I can't stop thinking about her, but I just get the feeling she doesn't look at me in that way. How do I tell her I wanna be more than friends without ruining out friendship? I'm really stuck.. I'd appreciate some advice.

Our Reply

Hi Nick,

If you had sex, even with a bit of drink inside you, there is still enough of an attraction there to jump into bed together- so she might feel the same way as you do. The drink may have just given you both the nudge you needed to take the next step.

I would suggest talking her out for a coffee or inviting her back to yours and telling her how you feel. If you don’t ask you don’t get- you could be left never knowing if something more was on the cards if you don’t ask the question. If the answer is not what you want to hear then you will have to work hard on trying to get back to being just friends and getting over your crush. This can be hard but if your friendship is strong enough then you should make it through. The important thing is to try not to avoid what has happened between you- if you do it will always the elephant in the room and potentially drive a wedge between you both.

If you slept together then it seems like you were both willing to risk your friendship on that night for the sake of being intimate. Perhaps that is a sign that it has moved on from being platonic.

Whatever happens be honest with each other, it is not fair on either of you if you are not. Friendships and relationships only work if you know where each other stands.

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