Anonymous asks :

Hi Lucy, My boyfriend is kind and loving, He wouldn't say anything that is rude or would make me uncomfortable. But, this one time he was texting me about something rude his brother said to him and it was also very inappropriate. My dad saw this and jumped to the conclusion that he was treating me like a slut. So basically, I tried to explain, but now I have to break up with him. How do I break up with him? HELP!!!!

Our Reply

Hello Anonymous,

If you don’t want to break up with him then perhaps suggest that he come over and talk to your Dad. You are expected to stick up for him as his partner- so your Dad might think you are covering for him. Why not ask him to explain what he meant by the text message and prove to your Dad that he wouldn’t treat you this way. Or maybe ask his brother to come over and tell him that he sent him the message in the first place and it was meant as a joke?

If you are intent on breaking up with him then the truth is always best. Maybe tell him that the text massage has driven a gap between you, your partner and your family a that you feel you have to respect your parent’s wishes.

You Dad is just looking out for you and if he feels that you run the risk of being mistreat then he will try to keep you from being hurt when he can. If your boyfriend has got off on a bad footing with your parents this can be hard to recover from and may never be the same between him and them.

Try not to fall into the trap of seeing him behind their back- if you genuinely feel like this is huge mistake then the truth is often better from the horse’s mouth. Be honest with them and all you can do is try to get them talking.

Lucy x 

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