annie asks :

i can't get over my ex. we broke up because of problems nothing to do with us, and very much still in love with each other. we still talk now and i'm happy when i talk to him, i know we can't be together right now and i want to move on and i know i can, but i just don't know how. when he tells me he's gotten with people on nights out etc it still really upsets me, please help.

Yin replies

Yin / Tyler

How long ago did you break up? It still sounds raw. It will take time for you to detach yourself from feeling something when you hear of him with other girls. What were the problems? If they were nothing to do with you both then why did you break up because of them? It can be difficult if you have broken up over something that is out of your control and does not affect how much you love one another. You say you can’t be together right now, does this mean it may happen in the future? Perhaps this is what is stopping you from moving on. If you still hold onto the possibility of getting back together then this will stop you from putting things in motion to get on with your life.

Yang replies

Yang / Lydia

You say that you can move on, so you have found the strength somewhere inside to keep going without him. Use some of this to help you in the right direction. Perhaps you are spending too much time thinking about him. Try and find a hobby, or try and make some plans with your friends, anything to take your mind off things, as dwelling on what could have been will do you no good.  If he has been with other people perhaps it is time for you to as well.

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