Mikayla Rose asks :

Hi Lucy,

I was with my ex-boyfriend for two years nearly- then we split up last October. I needed time to sort my head out as I was in a bad place as my best friend and gran had passed away a few weeks between each other. Now I have moved in with my new boyfriend and have been with him since December. Just last week my ex has messaged me telling me he loves me and misses me and it's killing him not being able to be with me. With him saying that I realise I'm not over him and that I have feelings for both of them what should I do?

Our Reply

Hi Mikayla Rose,

Perhaps the reason you are not over him is due to the fact that you didn’t break up because there way something wrong with your relationship- you just needed the time to heal on your own. Maybe getting with this other guy has proved to him that you are ready for a relationship and that is why he has spoken up and expressed his feelings for you.

Perhaps you were doing ok until you found out that he still has feelings for you and that has put the idea in your head about getting back together. If he hadn’t said anything, would you still want to be with him? Did you still think about him since getting with your new boyfriend? Something stopped you from getting back with him after you had taken the time out to work through your grief, so what was the reason?

I can’t tell you who to choose, but one thing I would ask you to think about is who would you be able to rely on if you suffered another tragedy of the same magnitude? It is difficult to imagine, but you need to know that whoever you are with can support you in the good and the bad. If your ex was not able to give you that cushion you needed when things were bad then that could be why you have not gone back to him. It is negative to think of the worst happening, but you have to know that whoever you are with is not just there for when the good things happen in your life and when you are in good spirits. You need to be able to let your guard down around your partner.


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