HLL asks :

I have a massive fear of the dentist. last time I went I had an extraction and now I'm completely traumatised. I have to go back next week and I don't think I am able to. no one understands how I feel as I am normally really brave about things and am not scared about anything.

Yin replies

If you feel extreme fear of the dentist, going to a psychologist or a counsellor might help. Phobias such as this can be treated with therapies such as desensitization therapy. Try popping into your doctor and asking to be referred to a specialist to help you through this fear.

If it is not extreme, perhaps try taking in a stress ball, the harder you squeeze the less stressed you will feel. Take something to distract you while you wait in the waiting area, like a book or your I pod, anything to take your mind off going in. You could take someone with you (someone preferably who is not afraid of the dentist too!) who can hold your hand and support you while you are in the chair. 

Yang replies

You can be sedated for most treatments, you can take a pill an hour before coming in for your appointment which will calm you down, use laughing gas, to relax you or get the dentist to use Novocaine which will numb the mouth, however if you are afraid of needles they can use a local anaesthetic before the injection. 

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