In an ideal world, all honeymoons would be open-cheque, banquette-ridden, relaxation marathons. We’d have table-service from David Beckham, a permanent sunset and a return-date of whenever the hell we feel like it, thank you very much.

Start your marriage as you mean to go on

Start your marriage as you mean to go on

However, in real life, the world doesn’t quite work that way, sadly. David Beckham doesn’t want to talk to us, our calendars are booked-out until February 2020, the bank account is maxed out, and for many, it’s a rather more solemn affair once our week or two of paradise comes to an end. 

And as 66% of the UK say that they’ve had enough of the financial pressures involved with saving for a honeymoon, Travel Supermarket has dusted off its cupid wings to put together a honeymoon solution like no other. The micro-moon, a 24-hour, fit-it-in-your-pocket getaway, gives Hollywood luxury and indulgence to couples with romance to burn, but a schedule and bank balance that just won’t give.

With this in mind, we’ve put together a five-step guide as to why the Micro-Moon might just be the perfect solution for you. Enjoy!

Movin’ on up!

Workplace equality is finally driving hiring agendas across the country, and with this, more and more women are being promoted and hired into senior positions. ‘Bout time, too.

But with 18% of women worrying about losing out on a promotion because of booking time off for a honeymoon, TravelSupermarket figured it was time to give couples the best of both worlds. With the micro-moon, it’s tailor-made to indulge you in the celebrations that you and your partner deserve, whilst also keeping your seat warm for when you get back to work.

Silent night…

Feeling good within yourself is the result of a delicate balance between a few simple things. Recreation, diet and sleep, to name a few. But it’s this last one, sleep, that is causing women so many problems when it comes to booking their honeymoon. Amazingly, 40% of women in the UK say that they have suffered, or are suffering from, sleep problems or insomnia as a result of the stress caused by the financial pressures of booking a honeymoon.

It might sound simple, but with the micro-moon being a shorter, more affordable break, there’s less to organise, less to worry about, and most importantly, more time free to do the things you love. Namely, sleep!

Start your marriage as you mean to go on.

A marriage is obviously for lifetime, and with that, it’s important to set the tone for how your commitment to each other is going to play out for the rest of your lives.

With finances one of the most common reasons for strain in relationships, 29% of couples in the UK said that the cost of their honeymoon was causing arguments and tension in their relationship. With a stress-free getaway booked before you can blink, you can get back to being excited about the future ahead, instead of number crunching.

You’ve seen a micro-pig, right?

It’s a scientific fact that anything in micro-format is the key to happiness. Well, almost everything.

And in the case of the micro-moon, size most certainly does matter. With shorter, less costly luxuries to enjoy with a micro-moon, you’ll be able to experience a more varied post-wedding break. With everything from Michelin-star tasting menus, that squeeze in as much fine dining as your pallet can manage, to spa treatments that target any ailment you might have, the micro-moon gives you 24 precious hours of unique, unforgettable moments.

Oh, and if that wasn’t enough, there’s even a hangover kit thrown in there to help fix the damage done whilst owning the dancefloor the night before!

You can go on one for free!

With the micro-moon being the first of its kind on planet earth, TravelSupermarket decided it was probably right to let one lucky couple have the honour of going on the inaugural micro-moon getaway.

If you think that lucky couple could involve you, go to their website to find out more and apply!

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