This is my favourite kind of proposal. The flash mobs, dancers and big gestures are wonderful, but you can’t beat just the couple doing what they would usually do together. In this case it’s sitting in their robes watching TV.

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

The video does warn you that you will cry and boy were they right! And right at my work station too!

The pretence is simple, it’s your five year anniversary so go to hotel and spend the weekend way from home. There is nothing suspicious about that. Then just as you think you are in for a night of TV and room service, he springs on her the video that he has made to propose to.

It’s deliciously romantic, including all of the family passing the ring around, even the dogs!

There is nothing like lip syncing with David Gray either to get those hearts racing!

Overall, a very imitate proposal, but done in a unique way.

Now, let me get some tissues!  

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