Every wedding is memorable but ones hosted at Christmas time have that special, magical touch. As we celebrate National Faux Fur Friday we have pulled together some ideas for you if you are planning a Christmas wedding with fur!

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

If it’s a bit chilly outside many brides opt to have a fur shrug to take the edge off during outdoor photographs. They are small and simple and stop your teeth from chattering while you smile for your pictures!

A full faux fur coat is another option for winter weddings in the depths of the snow, when a shrug just won’t cut it. A long length faux fur coat can be the perfect accompaniment against a white dress.

For somewhere in between there is also the short faux fur coat option. With a 50s twist to the look of your wedding dress this is ideal for the outdoors while hosting a winter or late autumn wedding. Despite the weather, if your venue has breath-taking scenery, you can’t let a little think like the cold put you off!

For the more adventurous out there, a slinky wedding dress might be the way to go and the juxtaposition of the faux fox fur alongside a short and revealing dress can have quite the impact!

Hats are a lovely accompaniment to any wedding dress during those harsh winter months as the softness complements a pale face beautifully for that quintessential English rose!

Some women are opting to have themed weddings. I was recently told about an Alice in Wonderland themed wedding, where the bride wore a set of ears and the best man was the mad hatter! Anything goes now when it come to weddings and some furry bunny ears can complete the look for and Alice theme.

If your wedding is taking place at a Christmas it would be rude to ignore the festive time of year, so a faux fur Santa hat gives your photos something diffident while the white matches in perfectly with the dress!

In the film Bridesmaids one of the bridesmaids gives away puppies at the wedding as favours. We are not condoning this of course, however having you pet at the wedding can mean the world to some people. As ring bearers or simply being looked after by a guest- they are after all one of the family after all!  

Faux fur can be a soft crisp looking way to display rings at a wedding. That way you know that they won't get damaged and look great on the photographs! 

And for when you are done and your groom is all yours, why not wear something naughty but furry like a bodice with a fur trim? You might as well run your theme right through to the bedroom for your first night of passion as husband and wife! ;)

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