77 Diamonds has found the top five things couples rate as being the most important for maintaining a happy and long marriage. We take a look at why they are so integral- do you agree?

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

Trust - If you don't have trust with your partner- you have nothing. You have to be confident that whatever temptations come their way- they will wash over them. That they will treat you with the same respect as you would them when you're not there.

Good communication -You need to be able to talk to one another about anything and everything. Your innermost insecurities, fears, doubts, fantasies, dreams, trivialities, achievements, family, friends, your body- the lot.

If you struggle with talking to your partner about anything, then you need to take the risk and let it out or seek out help to enable you to do so.

Laughter - Times will get serious- that's a given, but you need to be able to laugh at yourself, at each other and about certain joint situations in order to get you through. You're adults with responsibilities but you are also kids at heart- so try to find that balance as best you can.

Great sex - This sets you apart from being friends and roommates. It brings you closer together emotionally and physically and gives you a connection that no one else can share with you. It's the one thing that only the two of you can access so make the most of that exclusivity.

Shared interests/hobbies- It's vital to have your alone time and nourish your own dreams and desires. That said you must also have things you enjoy doing together. If that's going for walks, the cinema, having a movie night, watching the same TV shows, cooking, DIY- make sure you have your own time and your shared time in equal measure.

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