Will you marry me?...... Yes!

Will you marry me?...... Yes!

We talk to Daisy Amodio, a founder and proposal planner at The Proposers- a bespoke proposal planning service that help people to execute the most memorable proposal they can muster. Daisy aims to relieve stress and make the whole thing run smoothly-so the only thing the groom to be has to worry about is asking those four little words!

Why is a marriage proposal such an integral part of the whole wedding process?

Times have changed; in 2014 couples want more of a story. It doesn’t need to cost the earth (we all know how expensive weddings are) BUT it needs to be thoughtful and personalised.

The first thing someone will say to a newly engaged couple is ‘How did he (or she) do it?’ so you want a lovely story to tell; and it will be told time and time again, even to their grandkids, so it’s important to do something meaningful.
Why is it so important that is goes perfectly?

It’s such an important moment in the couple’s life. Wedding Planners have been around for centuries to help make the couple’s day go as smoothly as possible, and a proposal will be remembered forever and equally needs to be perfect.

Proposing can sometimes be a very scary thing to do so we can help them relax - all they need to worry about is saying those four famous words and enjoy the moment – we can take care of the rest.
Please tell us how you co-created your bespoke proposal planning service.

We were walking through Hyde Park one evening when we spotted a man trying to spell ‘make me the happiest man alive’ but he spelt ‘happiest’ wrong so we let him know. He proceeded to tell us that he was planning on proposing in 5 minutes. We were so excited by this that we offered to hide and take pictures of the happy moment. Needless to say, we captured the YES. Having thoroughly enjoyed ourselves we spotted a gap in the market and the rest is history. The Proposers was born.
If someone is stuck with an idea of how to propose what is the process you take them through?

Some clients come to us with an idea and just need our help to execute their plan, but some do not have an idea but want to do something extra special. We either meet with them or talk over Sykpe/email. We ask them a series of questions about their relationship so we can learn more about them and their partner. Questions like ‘where did you first say I love you’, ‘funny stories’, ‘first kiss’, anything to help us learn about the couple, right down to their favourite colour.

We want to make the day as personalised and as meaningful as possible so we create two tailored ideas.  The guy or girl then picks one (maybe adds their own touches) and we set about making it come true.

Of all the people you have helped to pop the question which has been the most memorable experience?

There’s so many…..

I think our first proposal was my most memorable.

We worked with Sham to create a very personalised proposal for Orva. Orva is a keen Artist and loves visiting art galleries, so we helped Sham create their very own gallery of happiness. We created 10 canvases which all had designs of things that matter to them in their relationship and that make Orva happy (For example, she loves penguins and phantom of the opera so one piece of artwork was a painting of a penguin holding a phantom ticket!). The last canvas was covered with velvet and when they reached this one, Sham whipped off the cover to reveal one of Orva’s own designs (which we stole from her pinterest!), with the words Will you marry me? on it. Their love songs were playing in the background and flowers in cups in the centre of the room – why cups? – because that’s Orva’s nickname.

Sham said: The proposal went like a dream – the venue was beautiful and the setup was perfect. I wanted the day to be both memorable and unique which is exactly how it was so it couldn’t have gone any better! Daisy and her team were simply amazing throughout and I enjoyed working with them to come up with such a personal proposal.”

Can you tell us a little bit about the TV show for those who have not seen it yet?

We were lucky enough to film a TV show all about our business. It shows us coming up with wonderful and wacky ideas and from our Disney Dogs proposal to our London Bus Tour proposal. Each episode shows 3 completely unique and perosnalised proposals. It’s very funny and a tear-jerker. Repeats can be seen on Lifetime 156 or Virgin 256 or go online.

What is your favourite part of the process?

Our favourite part of the process is being there to see the YES! We really get to know the couple and know how much they love each other, so it’s beautiful to watch such a happy moment in their lives. I’m literally a blubbering wreck at all of them….can’t help it!
What is next for The Proposers?

So many exciting things have happened in the last 2 years and we hope it doesn’t stop. We want to continue to make people happy all around the world. We hope to get our TV show re-commissioned and launch our service in new countries.




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