These days, it's all pillow cases and dining sets ruling the dizzy heights of the gift list. But what if guests don't want to pick from a pre-made list? Research* collected on behalf of leading online personalised gifts retailer,, shows how the trend may be changing.

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

Out of the 2,008 people asked, 70% admitted to ignoring the list altogether, while less than half of the UK would prefer to choose something more personal themselves. Price was a contributing factor, with many gifts considered to be out of their range and a quarter believing money would be more useful to put towards the honeymoon or plans for the future.

So, if you're one of the many feeling thrifty on the cusp of wedding season, here are some great alternatives to wow the bride and groom:

Frame their invitations

Make sure they remember dates, times and everything in-between.

Stock their post-honeymoon fridge for them

It's bad enough dealing with the holiday blues, let alone returning home to an empty fridge!

Personalise a set of mugs with their names

Their evening brews will never have been so romantic!

Buy them a plant to take care of together

Now that they're married, help them to start growing their family!

Make your own candles

It's super easy to do, add relaxing aromas so they can flick through photographs by candlelight.

Get your bake on

Put your culinary skills to the test and bake sweet treats all wrapped up in bespoke packaging.

Make coasters with favourite photographs

Something personal to fill their home with and accompany their down-time.

Put together a scrap book

Start searching for all the best photographs from the beginning of their relationship, to their big day.

Create a piece of artwork with every champagne cork

Remember each cork popped during the celebrations and create place settings or ornaments.

Make a playlist of their favourite songs

Every couple has 'their songs', so why not put together a CD with a personalised album cover?

*Atomik Research surveyed 2,008 people aged 18+ between 18th-23rd March. 162 were Scottish residents.

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