Liene McCall, 30, a hairdresser from Plymouth recently married Justin, 26, who's in the Royal Navy

Liene and Justin

Liene and Justin

Liene says;

Since I was 20 I've had uncontrollable acne.

I tried everything from going on the pill to antibiotics. I even I ordered a special medicine from the US, nothing worked and my skin just got worse and worse. My skin was bright red and sore.

At one stage my acne was so bad that the spots were blistering and eventually the skin on my chin fell off leaving me with an open sore. I was becoming more and more depressed about the state of my skin.

I ended up losing my job because of the way I looked.

I was also in a relationship and that ended shortly after I lost my job. I knew my boyfriend found my skin revolting and I just couldn't bare it so I finished it.

I looked and felt like a monster. I was out shopping and a young girl pointed at me and asked her mum if I had been in a fire as my face was so red and blistered. I rushed home and hid.

My family is from Latvia so I felt very alone living in another country. I was so depressed about my skin I didn't even want to leave my house. I ended up having a nervous breakdown.

I lied to friends and just said I was ill, but in fact I just didn't want to see anyone or go out anywhere. My face looked like something out of a horror movie and I just could not deal with people any more. I'd given up. At one point I felt suicidal, I just didn't want to carry on.

I stayed that way for almost a year and barely left my house during that period. It was only through the help and dedication of a few very close friends that I managed to come out of state of utter despair and start trying to face the world again.

I met my fiancé Justin two years ago and he was what really saved me. My skin was really bad and I was incredibly insecure but he was the first person to literally see the person I was under my skin and he helped me to start to feel hopeful again. With his love and encouragement I began to start looking for treatments for my skin again.

Although Justin was so sweet to me, I was a nightmare to live with as I was up and down all the time about my skin. Although he is younger than me, Justin is far more mature than his years and he helped me be more rational about my appearance.

I was offered Roactine by my doctor but after much consideration I decided not to take it. Justin said he didn't want me taking drugs that may affect my personality and I didn't ever want to become depressed again and one of the side effect can be depression.

So I began really researching on the internet for something that was not drug based for my acne and that is when I found Silver Serum, which was the only new treatment I found which sounded at all convincing because it didn't just claim to do the same thing that all the other acne treatments I had tried did. Instead of killing off the acne bacteria it built up the good skin bacteria to help the skin naturally fight the acne bacteria on its own. It made sense to me as my skin felt stripped and very sensitive and dry from all the medications I'd been putting on it.

As soon as I put it on I knew it was going to work. Within two weeks my skin had started to calm down. I would still have break outs but the redness and spots were not as bad and they would disappear much more quickly. It took about six weeks for my skin to fully clear up with Silver Serum using it twice a day.

Once my skin had healed that was it, as long as I used the serum every day my skin stayed clear and the redness didn't come back.

Obviously I still have scars left from my acne, which I will probably have laser work for when I can afford it, but I have been in remission for over a year now and my life has completely changed.

Justin proposed to me a year ago and I was delighted to say yes but I said I would not walk down the aisle with my face covered in acne. I had to be certain that my skin would be clear on my wedding day. So after six months with my skin not breaking out again, we tentatively named date and got married this summer in my home town in Latvia.

My skin was amazing on my wedding day. I could never have imagined a few years ago that I would be marrying a man like Justin with my skin looking radiant and clear. I thought I was never going to look pretty again and I could not have ever foreseen falling in love and having my dream white wedding. I am still finding it hard to believe it's all happened."

New Silver Serum from Skin Shop is the first 'smart' anti-bacterial skin treatment that contains a patented form of silver called MicroSilver ™ that specifically seeks out and kills bad skin bacteria while leaving good skin bacteria in tact.

Silver Serum costs £12.95 (50ml) and is available from or call: 01794 527433

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