Brits Ditch Honeymoons Abroad To Save Cash

Brits Ditch Honeymoons Abroad To Save Cash

As romance sweeps Britain through excitement for the Royal wedding, leading discount hotels specialist, reveals that 82% of Brits are too strapped for cash to enjoy their dream honeymoon, with 76% taking shorter breaks.

More than one in ten (12%) respondents revealed that they would consider a break just a week or less, with the majority (45%) opting for a 10 day break.

Not just spare cash but time is preventing some from booking more time off, with over half (54%) of those asked saying that demands at work would prevent them from taking a long break.

The poll also revealed that while the favourite honeymoon destination is a Caribbean island with 36% of the votes, over half of us (54%) are planning a European break to celebrate the honeymoon period.

Lynda Matthews, Offline Marketing Manager, commented: "It seems the days of a long luxury trip to the Caribbean are behind us with many Brits opting for better value breaks to celebrate their honeymoon period.

"Whether it’s a shorter European break or a luxury trip within the UK, it seems we are getting ever savvier about how to get the most out of that precious time away.

The research discovered that 82% of Brits would consider a UK honeymoon to save cash (with a view to going somewhere further afield later down the line), with 76% planning on taking a shorter break for this special occasion.

Other stats include:

- Top five UK destinations voted (in this order): Cornwall, Scottish Highlands, London, The Cotwolds, Brighton

- 17% would consider a camping trip for their honeymoon

- 13% would flirt with airline/hotel staff to get an upgrade to save money

- 68% reducing the size of their wedding to save cash

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