Zara McDermott gets "strapped in" to her 'Strictly Come Dancing' costumes.

Zara McDermott is taking part in Strictly

Zara McDermott is taking part in Strictly

The 'Love Island' star - who dances with Graziano di Prima on the Latin and ballroom show - is happy to wear skimpy outfits on the programme and puts her trust in the wardrobe department to choose the right thing and ensure she doesn't accidentally flash any extra flesh.

She told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: “You are literally strapped in, so nothing pops out. You do a dress run before to make sure that everything stays perfect.

“I’m definitely happy to wear whatever the team decides is right. Hopefully that body confidence will grow week on week.

“I’ve never used my body in this way. I’ve never danced before, so this is a massive step out of my comfort zone. I’m just happy to see what they create for me each week.”

While the 26-year-old beauty is a regular gym goer, she was shocked by just how tough training for the show would be.

She said: "In the first week my body was in absolute bits. I know what it feels like to have muscles aching, but these are muscles that I didn’t even know existed.”

Last weekend, Zara found herself in the dreaded dance off against Nikita Kanda and she admitted it prompted a rollercoaster of emotions.

She said: “It’s strange, because you come off your dance on this huge high.

“I was so happy with myself and how I did — how we did — then reality sets in. It was scary, a really scary, grounding moment, but that feeling of getting through . . . I was crying.

“There was this wave of relief and gratitude. You can’t take any week for granted — if you start thinking about the weeks ahead then you’re never going to enjoy the moment.

“I take everything day by day. I don’t think anyone wants to leave — everyone is incredible. All I can do is work my absolute hardest. We have put in hours of training — yesterday we did 8am until 9pm — we work so hard.

“I am starting from scratch each week so I have lots of work to do. I can only be happy with how I’ve done each week and not worry about what happens next.”

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