DC's Legends of Tomorrow is quickly gaining ground in the run-up to next year, with the superhero spinoff series coming to The CW at some point in 2016, and showrunner Phil Klemmer has shed some light on one of the characters we'll be seeing in action.

Caitly Lotz as Sara AKA White Canary / Credit: The CW
Caitly Lotz as Sara AKA White Canary / Credit: The CW

Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) has been dead in the television universe for some time now, and so when she is resurrected and forced to become a part of the Legends team, things won't go exactly the way everybody may hope.

Speaking to TV Guide, Klemmer explained: "Her story is really a simple one. It's her trying to regain her humanity, trying to find a human connection. It's kind of this paradox that she's selected for the team because she's this ruthless, cold-blooded assassin and what she really wants is to feel again. And these two things are at odds."

Meanwhile, fans up-to-date with Arrow season 4 will have seen Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) digging up her currently deceased sister, after hearing about the effects the Lazarus Pit can have on those who have died.

The third episode of the season, titled Restoration airs this week, and the synopsis reveals more about what we can expect.

"The growing tension between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Diggle (David Ramsey) puts both their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human.

"Meanwhile, Laurel talks Thea (Willa Holland) into returning to Nanda Parbat to ask her father (John Barrowman) to put Sara into the Lazarus Pit. However, Laurel is surprised when Nyssa (Katrina Law) refuses to do it."

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