Piers Morgan "didn't care" that Simon Cowell was earning "10 times as much" as him on 'Britain's Got Talent' because he was earning what he was "worth".

Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan

The 'Good Morning Britain' co-host was a judge on the first four series of the talent show alongside the music mogul, and while he wasn't the top earner on the panel - which also featured Amanda Holden - he was pleased to be on the programme because it was a "springboard to do other things".

He said: "With this whole idea of equality and everything else, my view is you should fight for what you think you're worth.

"I don't care what other people get paid, who I work with, I've never cared about it.

"I care about what I get paid. Am I getting paid what I think I value myself as?

"I think that's the key.

"If you're happy then you don't really care. I don't care if other people ... if I read that Simon Cowell gets paid 10 times what I got on 'Britain's Got Talent' I don't care."

Piers' co-host Susanna Reid interrupted, saying: "You liar."

He then continued: "No, because I knew 'Britain's Got Talent' was doing me a great deal of good to do that show. It was a huge audience, a springboard to do other things and Simon Cowell was the undoubted star.

"I didn't mind that he got paid 10 times as much money. Had he been a useless judge and everything else I'd have a big problem with it. But it's about assessing your own value."

Piers also joked he has an article included in his 'GMB' contract that ensures he earns more than Susanna.

She said: "Do you have a clause in your contract that says you won't get paid less than me?"

Piers quipped: "My clause guarantees I get paid a lot more than you ... I'm joking."

"I have no idea what Susanna gets paid."

She replied: "I have no idea what Piers gets paid."