Jeremy Paxman

Jeremy Paxman

Jeremy Paxman says "13 year olds" are behind Newsnight.

The 63-year-old broadcaster, who presented his final edition of the BBC Two current affairs programme last week, has admitted he didn't always agree with the politics of idealistic producers who thought they could "change the world".

He is quoted by the Daily Telegraph newspaper as saying: "Look, 'Newsnight' is made by 13 year olds. It's perfectly normal when you're young that you want to change the world.

"The older you get, the more you realise what a fools' errand much of that is and that the thing to do is to manage the best you can to the advantage of as many people as possible."

Paxman, who was required to remain politically impartial on 'Newsnight', also admitted to being a "one-nation Tory".

Furthermore, the TV presenter weighed in on London Mayor Boris Johnson's claim that he was the "last" Conservative left at the BBC.

Speaking at the Chalke Valley History Festival in Wiltshire, south west England, he reportedly said: "If I had to ... are there any members of the press here? I think I'll plead the fifth on that one."

Paxman announced his departure from 'Newsnight' after 25 years earlier this year.

He will continue to present 'University Challenge'.

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