In perhaps the most intense week of Big Brother Canada 4 to-date, it was Mitch Moffit from Ontario's time to be sent out of the BBCAN Grand - but he wasn't going home following the 5-3 vote, instead being sent to the Jury House as its first official member.

Mitch / Credit: Global

Mitch / Credit: Global

We got the chance to grab a quick chat with Mitch ahead of his Jury House entry to find out all about his relationships in the house, his feelings when looking for a winner of the season and much more - read on to find out what he had to say...

You've had a little bit of time to reflect on your time in the house, where do you think your game went wrong?

Obviously the biggest factor for me was the big double eviction and the information that was brought back into my house that I couldn't really have anticipated. You try to guess what the different twists are gonna be in the season, but you can't go off of anything because there's really no data and no information, you have to just work with what you have in front of you which is the people and the things they say and the actions they display.

So I think that in one sense, playing the middle at the beginning I think was my better move and I did it well, and I could never have predicted the order that Loveita and Kelsey would go out, or that they would be part of a twist and that it would work perfectly against me in that way.

Secondly, I do think that my relationship with Tim probably played a role in my eviction. I don't know if I could have changed it, but I'm sure he felt that I hadn't spent the time on him earlier so why should he give me the time now - but that's just how natural relationships progress. He was a threat to me in the beginning and on a social level we didn't have a lot to talk about and we didn't find that until later in the game.

So, I'm not sure I could have forced it earlier and, in my mind Tim was always one of my biggest threats in the game so, perhaps I should've kept my enemy closer than I did. That could have been another reason for my final eviction.

How do you think this week would have played out if Loveita had returned to the house instead of Kelsey?

I think everything would have been a lot less certain. No one knew what Loveita would want. Everyone was like, 'well if we do pick her to come back at least we can band together as a house and get her out', but I highly doubt that would have happened. She would have probably come back with new information as well. It seems like she told Kelsey everything about me and told her I should be her target, so perhaps she would have come back hoping that I was the target as well. Whether or not I would have been able to mend that or work with her - it was a constant struggle in the house to know if I had Loveita's true trust because I was working with the threesome or Jared and Raul - so I think it would have been a lot more unknown for everyone.

Everyone knew where Kelsey would fit in and I think that's what made everyone comfortable, even though it will be many people's undoing, including mine, but it was easier to box her in and say, 'this is where she'll fit', whereas Loveita, we don't know where she's going to fit and that gives her freedom to go anywhere, which is scary for people.

Do you think you should have been more open about your career earlier on in the game?

I don't know... I worried that it would paint a target on me. When Christine even won money on the challenge, that wasn't the reason she went but I heard people using it as a talking point of, 'Well, she won some money so it's not as bad if we send her home', and I didn't want people thinking, 'Well, Mitch can go back to his normal life out of here and that's not a problem, so we don't feel as bad voting him out'.

I didn't wanna bring it up for a variety of reasons and, just didn't know how it'd be used against me if in any way at all. It was just safest to play it as not my life at all and just pretend I was a video editor.

I think that was the better decision, but at the end I started thinking maybe if I reveal this I'll be appealing to bring to the end because people will think, 'why would anyone give him the vote from an emotional level, because he'll probably be sitting besides somebody who wants it or needs it more in their life'. I thought about that but I just don't know if people would have interpreted it that way. So it was better kinda kept a secret.

What did you make of the brothers twist this year? Could they win?

Yeah they could win. I think they're the most ignorant in the house to their position in the house, which was frustrating. That was one of my biggest problems this week, realising how delusional they are in some ways. They could still win and I could be the one who's delusional, but to me the alliances the threesome made with everyone were alliances of convenience and of course, if the brothers win they'll have always been the ones that they were with, but if they lose I think the brothers are in hot water.

Most people there do see them as a physical threat and, if they make it through the whole game as the season's twist, they deserve some credit for that 'cause they did have a big target on their back from Day 1. Everyone was sceptical - would they split? Do they have an advantage because they can talk to multiple people in different rooms and they can keep more of a handle in the house? They were up against harder odds than some people and they deserve credit for that, but I do think that they were blind to a lot of things in the house as well and were always wishy-washy and playing like a middle ground that everyone would call out constantly. To me, they weren't the best gameplayers, but they do have time to redeem themselves.

The houseguests say goodbye / Credit: Global
The houseguests say goodbye / Credit: Global

Despite being evicted, you are the first member of the Jury House! How does that feel?

It feels good. It's a benchmark for everyone. You come into the game going, 'I wanna make Jury, I wanna be on Jury'. It's obviously tough to be the first one, I'm going to have to spend some time alone, and knowing that I was on the cusp of maybe going back to my boyfriend and my family, it is a bit of a pill to swallow. But in the context of the show, I'm so happy about it. I'm glad to be able to be part of that decision and, not that I want to have a major influence on other people that come into Jury, but hopefully the game can still continue in the sense that, the person who played the best game will win and people who wanna vote emotionally, perhaps may be swayed in the Jury House.

Who would you like to be evicted next week joining you in the Jury House and why?

In some ways, obviously I was going after the trio and I do think that people would be silly not to see that and not to go after it. So in some ways I want Raul to come for sweet satisfaction of, 'See, you made the wrong move!' But, I also feel that the brothers have probably been the most deluded in this game and I would be happy to see them as well because I think they have been lied to and they haven't been able to see through it and they haven't played the strongest game, and I think that they deserve to go next.

Everyone in this game still has a chance to amp up their game and come back, so I wouldn't say one way or another that someone necessarily should come, because there is always time for more game to be played.

At this point in the game who do you think will make the final three and why?

Wow, OK. Let me try and remember everyone. I think one of the three will be in the final three, I think Tim may be in the final three, and I think one of Maddy or Ramsey will be in the final three. That's my prediction. It's really hard to say because it depends so much on who's HoH, if there's a triple eviction and people are willing to take risks - those kinds of things are unpredictable.

Those people, like Raul for example has the shelter of Jared and Kelsey, should people understand that Jared is the biggest threat. Tim's in a really good position with almost everyone, and Ramsey's been kind of on the bottom on the wrong side each week but, I don't know if that means he's in a bad position. I think that people do see him as a trustable guy because he's stuck to his word every single week and, even though he is a physical competition threat, I feel like he has some game yet to play.

You formed a great bond with Nikki in the house - will you be visiting her in the UK when the game's over?

Of course! Yes, I love Nikki. The relationship we created was not something I expected. When she first come in, I thought, 'Maybe she doesn't like me', she was so close to Tim in the beginning that, it was hard for her to open up to anyone else, but I feel really lucky and happy that we had a chance to connect and bond.

In some ways I kind of became her protector and then when I was on the block, she kind of became my protector and was always vouching for me, no matter what. I knew she would never ever waver on that and so, it's really nice to have someone in the house like that. When everybody wants you out, I knew Nikki didn't want me out and so that was a good feeling to have, and a friendship that will last outside of this game. When it's over I will certainly be going over to say 'hello'.

Could one of the international houseguests win this game?

I think so. I think people are lying to themselves when they say, 'If it's an international and a Canadian, the Canadian will definitely win because nobody will wanna give it to the international'. I think it'll be harder for someone like Nikki to win because she hasn't been overly strategic, and has just kind of fallen in with the group. She's been an amazing character in the house but maybe not a strategic force.

Whereas Tim has been a character and a strategic force and if he's at the end and continues to play a solid game and is sitting beside somebody that I don't think deserves to win, he'll definitely get my vote. I'm not voting on nationality - this is a game that deserves a good playing winner. I hope other people will see that, but that's yet to be determined how other people's emotions will run in the house.

You've touched on it, but what will you be looking for in your Big Brother Canada winner?

I think ultimately it is, did you play a good game? I know that's subjective but it's, can you show me how you played? If you were under the radar, can you explain to me when you actually made those behind-the-scene moves? Were you pulling strings? Did you actually have influence? Or were you just floating by and letting other people make decisions for you?

Or, if you're a frontrunner or somebody out in the open, how did you manage to avoid being picked off? You have to be able to articulate to me why you made the moves you did. You have to have moves and, those can be moves that are invisible to others if you can still articulate it, but you have to be able to say what you did in this game to deserve it.

Challenges and stuff, I'll take those into consideration. If you won, obviously those are part of the game, but for me it comes down to the brain and how you organised the house in your mind, and how you managed to convince you to keep you or to not keep somebody else.

So for me, it comes down to, can you articulate your strategy? Or did you just get there because it was luck?

Big Brother Canada continues Wednesday with the reveal of its next Wildcard, 9pm ET/PT on Global.

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